Mr. WoodCock

Anytime you see a movie named Mr. Woodcock you know that you are in for the pinnacle of comedy. Although, I guess you have to be impressed when a movie can fit in two slang terms for a penis into a movie title and get away with it. I'll admit that I didn't have high hopes for this movie despite it having a solid cast that had all been in good movies before. The movie tried to hard to be like a PG-13 version of Bad Santa. Except if Billy Bob can't drop f-bombs, then him playing an asshole just doesn't seem legit. So to make up for the lack of cuss words they resort to having Billy Bob just mostly throw balls at kids in their underwear and spouting mildly humorous insults that get very old by the end of the movie. In a movie like this a hot chick is a neccesity and the movie tried to make that happen by cramming in a crappy sub plot involving Sean William Scott's old classmate. The problem is she has about 5 seconds of screen time and is a no name. To be honest I can't even remember what she looked like. Was Amy Smart not available or something? She was born for these type of roles. The plot is lame and predictable even for a comedy and prolly the worst thing I can say about it is that even after only 5 days of watching I already forget most of it which is maybe the worst thing you can say about a movie.
I also zoned out for a good portion of the movie and had a few thoughts about the movie such as is Susan Sarandon hot or not? Why hasn't Amy Poehler got a starring role in a movie since she has been truth in everything she has done? Will anyone ever start calling Sean William Scott by his actual name or just call him Stifler for the rest of his career? The movie did have a couple scenes that were funny and Billy Bob did have a line every now and then that hit the mark so it wasn't a complete disaster. I hope this movie does cap the "Billy Bob Thorton Asshole Trilogy" because it started off great with Bad Santa, was decent with Bad News Bears, and was garbage in this movie. It might be time for a new role ol' Billy Boy or knock it back up to the R rating. I give this movie
.4 thumbs out of 4
The 'Trail
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