Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You would think Legends Inc was over

I have heard that 2009 is officially to be called the Year of the Legend so I figure now is better than ever to fire up Legends Inc again. I can't believe it's already been a year since we created this thing and even though it quickly fell to the wayside like pretty much everything I start, the blog is turning over a new leaf. First, the beer aspect is being dropped, mainly because I know nothing about beer besides that it gets me drunk unless I accidentally bought O'Douls. Also, the novelty of good beer has worn off on me because a year ago I could barely afford good beer being that I worked at Target for under 8 dollars an hour. Now I work at a military office job where I only spend about an hour a day actually working. The rest of my time is spent mastering the expert level on the game Minesweeper and wikipeding every possible thing on God's green earth and getting paid a rather absurd amount of money for it. So I have spent the last year drinking good beer and I'm over it so I'm taking the blog in a brand new direction.

First of all, I'm going to review anything that I see fit. Did I just polish off a Baconator at Wendy's and now my stomach wants to know why it has died and gone to heaven? I'll write about it. Did I take down a bottle of Sailor Jerry's Rum while watching a marathon of the Rock of Love Bus? I'll give you my opinion on both of those things. I'm switching up the rating system as well. Going four thumbs up just makes us sound like a mutant version of Siskel and Ebert. I'm taking things up a notch and grading on the 10 point scale. I'm going to adapt it to whatever fits the subject as well. So if I just watched the Dark Knight I would give it 8.7 Heath Ledger overdoses out of 10. (To soon? Probably, but it was a year ago.) Or if I just listened to the new Killers CD I would give it 4.2 you peaked on Sam's Town out of Peaking on Sam's Town 10. I'm pretty much going solo right now having not talked to Wharff before posting this entry but I think he will dig it. There is a pretty busy weekend coming up including a Girl Talk concert, a premeire of Friday Night Lights, and whatever 1$ dollar movie we decide to see. So I guess all I have to say is "Commence blog going into full effect" CHYEAH BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

The 'Trail