Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blue Moon's Little Bro: Shock Top

I wasn't sure what to expect when I began to drink Shock Top. Judging from the package which consists of a sun with shades and a mohawk I was expecting an energy drink flavor, or possibly the greastest drink ever, orange soda with alcohol. Instead what I got was something that tasted exactly like Blue Moon, to the point where I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Don't get me wrong, I love Blue Moon. It has pushed me into blackout territory many a times at the bar but the reason I'm doing this is to drink new beers and this was a little too familair.

There is one key difference between the two beers and that is the marketing and design. Blue Moon with it's picture of a moon over a farm gives off a fall/early winter vibe while I can only see myself drinking a beer whose logo is an X-treme sun during the summer. Since the two are pretty much the same beer I have decided to make Blue Moon strictly a fall/winter beer while adding Shock Top to my summer rotation.

Pros: Good taste
Suns with shades and mohawks

Cons: Not as available as Blue Moon, taste the same but more expensive
Low alcohol content (less than 6%)

Overall I give it

2.7 out of 4 thumbs


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