Even before I took my first sip of Hazed and Infused it had a couple of things going for it. I'm a big fan of puns and play on words. Even the smallest or lamest pun will get a chuckle out of me. So unless you are a moron then you know that the name Hazed and Infused is named after the movie Dazed and Confused. Dazed and Confused is a 4 thumbs up movie for me and may even be in my top 5. So anything named after the movie is okay in my book. Dazed and Confused isn't a half bad Led Zepplin song either.
As I lifted the bottle to take a swig, Hazed and Infused already had a solid 1.5 thumbs up just due to extenuating circumstances and the taste only helped it. It had the most distinct taste of all the beers so far and while I was on the fence at first by the third bottle I was a fan. I was ready to crown my new favorite beer until the Saylor and I started to wonder about the alcohol content. It was nowhere to be found on the bottle or packaging which was a bit suspicious. Upon looking on the website we found out that it only contained a pathetic 4.8%. With the price tag hovering around the 9 dollar mark this was unacceptable. If they could have clocked it in around 6-7% then I would have given Hazed and Infused a 3.8 but coupled with the price I must dock it at least a thumb. Therefore I give Hazed and Infused:
As I lifted the bottle to take a swig, Hazed and Infused already had a solid 1.5 thumbs up just due to extenuating circumstances and the taste only helped it. It had the most distinct taste of all the beers so far and while I was on the fence at first by the third bottle I was a fan. I was ready to crown my new favorite beer until the Saylor and I started to wonder about the alcohol content. It was nowhere to be found on the bottle or packaging which was a bit suspicious. Upon looking on the website we found out that it only contained a pathetic 4.8%. With the price tag hovering around the 9 dollar mark this was unacceptable. If they could have clocked it in around 6-7% then I would have given Hazed and Infused a 3.8 but coupled with the price I must dock it at least a thumb. Therefore I give Hazed and Infused:
2.8 out of 4 thumbs
The 'Trail
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