Bottom Line, Auto-Tune=The Future
Crosby and Malkin=Two Girls, One Cup
I don't think Ari Gold would be happy if he was Will Ferrell's agent right now after his recent decision to drop visual stink bombs into theaters near you. All those Executive Producing clowns on "Land of the Lost" had to do was ditch the family flick for an R-rating. Kenny Powers and Will Ferrell dropping F-Bombs, getting chased by dinosaurs and going to alien strip clubs seems like a much better fit for the Duo. Act like your not saying in your head, "That's a good idea." I know you are.
Speaking of the future of comedy, The Hangover needs it's own workout infomercial because my abs hurts when I left the theater from laughing so much. Zach Galifianakis and his beard are hitting the big time after this breakout role. Anyone that's tight with Kanye is good in my book. They did an alternative video to "Can't Tell me Nothing." If you haven't seen the movie, I would wear a diaper because that much laughter makes it hard to control your bowels. CUT IT OUT FUNNY.
This kid should be proud he is the first image on google when you type in the word "Pogs".....Sick Power Ranger Slammers Bra.
I'm 90% sure that I will acoustic cover the new T-Pain and T-Swift collabo when it comes out. I can only imagine a song about Romeo and Juliet drinking Cristal in a Chariot with 26 inch spinners.
All I can say is be ready for Legends Inc to take over the blog game. We started a Blog Gang with Meatballs in the Morning. Everyone else needs to step up there blog game because we're so official all we need in a whistle.
Signing Out,
The Saylor